The Best Way to Reheat Pizza

The Best Way to Reheat Pizza

This post takes me back where it all began! Twelve years ago I packed two bags and moved to Peru. I spent a lot of time cooking and was quite successful despite the limited resources. I was able prepared most of my own meals as my tiny studio apartment came furnished with a stove/oven. I maintained a healthy vegetarian diet by eating at home, but I did have one weakness, French fries. Yes thats right, I needed something greasy and salty to remind me of home. The French fries were like a comfort food. I began dreaming of other ¨comfort foods¨ that I could make and I added moms chili and veggie spinach lasagna to the list. Then, I was faced with reheating food. How do you reheat a single serving of lasagna? My apartment did not have a microwave and I really didn’t need one. The oven, I though, was another option, but it seemed like such a waste of energy to heat up the entire house for a serving of lasagna or a slice of pizza, I knew there had to be a better way.

Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant Parmesan or Parmigiana di Melanzane is a classic Italian dish, and for vegetarians, one of the most satisfying plates you could imagine. Usually offered as an appetizer, although in restaurants I will eat this as my main course, add a salad and warm crusty Italian bread you have a complete meal. As with many recipes there are a few tricks, details of preparation that are passed down from generation to generation. Eggplant Parmesan is a prime example of a very straightforward recipe but with variations ranging from a quick and simple Deli version to a plate worthy of gourmet fine dining. How does the home cook decide which techniques to use?