Victoria’s Secret Salsa

Victoria’s Secret Salsa

Victoria’s Secret Salsa

The other day, out of the blue, I remembered the pure simplicity of La Victoria Salsa, a thick, rich salsa without the spice. If you are not familiar with La Victoria Salsa, at least in California, it was without a doubt the salsa of choice and always present at parties and holidays. Now, living here in Mexico where I have every ingredient, every type of chili pepper, and can create any salsa imaginable, you must be curious as to why I would be thinking about La Victoria Salsa. Well, we had a party the other day and I realized that there are many people who do not like spicy food, and so to offer a salsa for everyone to enjoy, to create a a salsa rich in flavor but without the spice became my goal.

First a little history, is it salsa or sauce?